Photo: Sparkle / iStock / Getty Images
Several animal rescue groups that help control the feral cat population are doing amusing fundraisers for Valentine's Day like 'Neuter Your Ex.'
The idea is to donate money to have a feral cat named after your ex, and then the cat is spayed or neutered as part of the organization's TNR program (Trap-Neuter-Release).
The first group I saw that is doing this is in Iowa. But now I also see there are rescues in New Jersey and Maryland doing this also, including the Feline Rescue Organization in Baltimore! More on them HERE.
Looking for the Purr-fect Valentine's Day Gift for your Ex?
Neuter Your Ex!
Have an ex that shouldn't reproduce? Feeling vengeful this Valentine's Day? For just a $15 donation, we will name a feral cat after your ex, then spay or neuter them and release them through our trap-neuter-return (TNR) program to stop the breeding cycle. Give your ex a proper sendoff (you know Brad and Chad deserves the snippy-snip), heal your heart, and help control the community cat population at the same time.
Your donation helps provide funding for our TNR program and other spay/neuter programs. TNR works to end reproduction in community cat colonies, stabilizing populations, and improving cats' lives.
Hate this idea and think we're being petty? You can sponsor a pet, too!
Ex's Name:
Single Name: $15
5 Names: $50
10 Names: $100
What is TNR?
TNR or trap-neuter-return, alters, vaccinates, ear-tips, and returns healthy community cats to the areas where they've already been living and thriving - therefore preventing more generations or other species from moving in.
Learn more about our TNR program here!