Photo: Lisay / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images
Going to a Halloween party? Make sure you bring the right wine. According to wine influencer Kimberlee Lizakowski, aka That Blonde Wino, these are the perfect candy and wine pairings …
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and merlot
- Sour Patch Kids and pinot grigio
- M&M’s and Gamay
- Peanut M&M’s and malbec
- Starburst and viognier
- Twizzlers and Sangiovese
- Candy corn and chardonnay
- Hershey’s and zinfandel
- Kit Kat and pinot noir
- Twix and cabernet sauvignon
And see the best beer and candy pairings below.
Photo: igorr1 / iStock / Getty Images
NoDa Brewing in Charlotte, North Dakota, wants to take the guesswork out of pairing beer and candy this Halloween -- and has come up with a simple system to maximize your beer and candy enjoyment.
- Skittles and IPA
- Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Porter
- Candy Corn and Pumpkin Ale
- Kit Kat and Wheat Beer
- Sour Patch Kids and Juicy IPA
Photo: k02 / iStock / Getty Images