OU Football Player Allegedly Picks Fight with Smaller Dude and Gets Rocked

Warning: Video Contains NSFW Language and Disturbing Images

Oklahoma wide receive Spencer Jones is recovering from surgery after he allegedly picked a fight in the bathroom of a bar and then took a beating.

In the video clip posted to Twitter, Jones appears to pick a fight with a smaller man in the restroom of Norman's Logies near the college campus.

The gentleman he was in the dispute with, probably unknown to Jones, happens to be an MMA-trained fighter.

It appears one of Jones' friends starts the physical altercation by pushing the man. He retaliates by punching Jones in the face repeatedly before taking him to the ground and eventually putting him in a chokehold.

Jones reportedly suffered a severe injury to his eye, requiring surgery. He had to have his left orbital socket repaired in a four-hour surgery, says Jones' legal representative.

The police is currently investigating the incident and has declined to comment at the time of this writing.

Source: OSUDaily.com

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