Dude Catches His Girlfriend Walking Down the Block with Her Side Dude

Warning: Video Contains NSFW Language

Possibly one of the worst things to happen in life is to catch your significant other cheating on you. Whether or not the relationship continues or ends, one person undoubtedly loses trust in the other person.

One man has a strong hunch that his girlfriend is cheating on him with another dude and he tracks them down to find out the truth.

Sure enough, he sees her with another man taking a walk down the sidewalk and confronts them.

"This is the [expletive] guy you've been cheating on me with? So that's the guy? That's the guy. And you got my dog? You got my dog, too, [expletive]? Okay, alright, alright. I got you."

Then, the other dude throws his drink at him but ends up skidding off the trunk of a car.

Hope he gets his dog back and is able to move on and find someone better for him.

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