HOAs can be a nightmare. Here's why.
A Ring camera catches the moment a HOA leader ascends to a neighbor to enforce an obscure article of the HOA agreement. The HOA Karen pulls up to the front door and gets incredibly worked up over an issue of a political sign placed on the person's front lawn. And the homeowner hasn't even come into communication with her yet.
When the homeowner answers the door, Karen makes a statement: "I want to show you something!" and demands that the homeowner get out her neighborhood bylaws packet and reference Section 5-point-20.
"No signs should be in the yard" reads Section 5.20.
Karen then threatens to sue the homeowner unless they remove the small sign immediately. She then reiterates that she should get out her neighborhood association bylaws packet and read over it carefully, SECTION FIVE POINT TWENTY and then leaves.
$20 says this somehow ends up in court.