Warning: Video Contains NSFW Language
Nothing says summer like hearing the music of the ice cream truck rolling through your neighborhood, at least if you live in one of those neighborhoods as a kid.
Well, some dude found an ice cream man in Atlanta that kids should stay far, far away from. This old dude claims to have Viagra, Cialis, condoms, beer, and drugs inside his ice cream truck, or wait, turns out it's actually his mom's van covered in ice cream stickers.
When the guy filming asks to see the condoms, the old man finds a plastic sandwich bag and sticks his finger in it and calls it a condom. When he asks to see the Viagra, dude finds a bottle of generic multivitamins and says he was hiding them in there.
Not only does this dude not have any ice cream, he doesn't have any of the stuff he claims to have. At least have something man.
Brawl Spills Into Bathroom and Stall Where Dude Is Trying to Drop a Deuce