MANUARY on BIG 100 Presented by PMSI
Manuary returns to BIG100 with all the expected fun. Enjoy commercial-free MANDAYS, celebrate local DC area men and their contributions, and win amazingly manly prizes at 9, Noon, 2 and 5 every workday. Every Sack of Man prize winner will be qualified to win a Harley Davidson Motorcycle.
All qualified winners of The Sack of Man is automatically entered to win the Grand Prize: A 2018 HARLEY-DAVIDSON® FAT BOB® 107 motorcycle from Patriot Harley-Davidson® in Fairfax! Stop into Patriot Harley-Davidson® in Fairfax to see the bike you could WIN in person!
And of course, we will poke fun of how utterly ridiculous men really are. Join us for the magic, all Manuary long…only on BIG100. Brought to you by PMSI, the official pest control specialists of Manuary. There’s nothing more manly than hiring a professional.
BIG100 wants to remind you to check your boys in the shower regularly. (oh my!) No really, it’s important. Protect your family by insuring you're healthy every month. For more testicular health tips, head to…let’s fight testicular cancer, together.
Win a spectacular trip to the Maldives in honor of Manuary. You deserve a once in a lifetime travel experience to the Maldives. Huge thanks to the Travel and Adventure Show, happening January 20th and 21st at the Washington Convention Center.
BIG 100 will be commercial-free every Monday... or as we call it, MANDAY: a day dedicated to non-stop iconic rock and rolling our eyes at dudes. Manday's are made possible thanks to Elite Shooting Sports.