Mobility Scooter Lady at Skate Park Tries to Jump Ramp: Concussionville

Skateboards, BMX bikes, perhaps roller blades or Razer scooters. All things you'll find at the local skate park.

Now, enter the mobility scooter. A lady riding one is recorded at a skate park. Don't get me wrong, those things can get a little speed going but in no way shape or form are they built to withstand the rigors of getting airborne.

This lady has no problem riding over the smaller ramps but when she attempts to drive up a quarter-pipe head on for reasons that may never be fully understood, the scooter runs out of gas and tips over backwards. I'm no doctor but that lady got a concussion for sure from that.

Now I understand why helmets are so crucial when trying to do stunts and whatnot.

Woman Strapped Her Mobility Scooter to Car for Tow Down Busy Street

Witnesses say the woman was "nearly hit by multiple cars but she dismissed them with a wave of the hand and continued down the street."

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