The inaugural episode of 'Tea Time with The Beatles Fans' was last June for the 50th anniversary of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Now we're bringing it back for the 50th anniversary of 'The White Album.'

Be sure to 'like' BIG 100 on Facebook here so you can access our Facebook Live chat on Friday, Nov. 16 at 3 p.m. ET.

We'll be sipping tea, talking about 'The White Album,' and enjoying a special live acoustic performance of a couple of songs from album.

Meet the panel:

Lisa Berigan - Yes, that's me! Midday Host on BIG 100, resident Beatles fan, and moderator of our chat.

Becky Abramson - Becky is the drummer for the Rolling Stones tribute band, The Dukes of Dartford

She is a Beatles fan who wasn't even alive when the Beatles were together, and shows how Beatles fans span the generations. She recently got married and played drums at her own wedding reception. (How cool is that?!) Check out her band's Facebook page here.

Neal Green - Neal has an incredible set of pipes and will be handling lead vocals on a couple of songs at the BIG 100 White Album Party. He is a die-hard Beatles fan and will have lots to add to our 'Tea Time' conversation and 'Tea Time' performance.

Ray Futran - Ray is the lead guitarist/vocalist for The GoodFellas. He participated in our 'Tea Time with The Beatles Fans' chat last year, and I'm thrilled to have him back this year. He'll also be performing a couple of songs during the chat.

Jon 'Jonny Rock' Sullivan - Jon is the drummer for The GoodFellas and sings lead vocals on the Beatles songs where John Lennon sings lead. He is participating in 'Tea Time' for the first time, and I'm looking forward to his insight and live performance.


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